Brad Paisley – I’m Gonna Miss Her

About the song

In the realm of country music, Brad Paisley stands as a titan, a figure whose towering talent and heartfelt songwriting have captivated audiences for decades. Among his extensive discography, “I’m Gonna Miss Her” holds a special place, a poignant ballad that has resonated with listeners worldwide. Released in 2002 as part of his album Part II, the song chronicles a man’s bittersweet dilemma, torn between his love for his partner and his unwavering passion for fishing.

I’m Gonna Miss Her opens with a gentle acoustic melody, painting a tranquil scene of a lakeshore, bathed in the warm glow of the sun. Paisley’s voice, imbued with a touch of melancholy, weaves a tale of a man deeply devoted to his hobby, spending countless hours casting his line into the water. Yet, amidst the serenity of nature, an ultimatum looms. His partner, weary of his constant fishing escapades, has presented him with a stark choice: either prioritize their relationship or bid farewell to his beloved pastime.

The song’s chorus poignantly captures the internal conflict raging within the protagonist. “Well, I’m gonna miss her when I get home,” he sings, his voice laced with both regret and acceptance. The realization of the sacrifices he must make weighs heavily upon him, yet he acknowledges the validity of his partner’s demands.

As the verses unfold, Paisley paints vivid imagery of the fishing expeditions that have consumed his life. He describes the tranquility of the lake, the thrill of a bite, and the satisfaction of a catch. These moments, once sources of pure joy, now carry a tinge of sadness, as he contemplates the time they have stolen from his relationship.

The song’s bridge offers a glimmer of hope, a fleeting moment where the protagonist contemplates making amends and prioritizing his partner. However, the allure of the fishing hole proves too strong, and he makes the difficult decision to return to the lake, casting his line one last time.

In the final chorus, the weight of his decision settles upon him. “I’m gonna miss her,” he repeats, his voice heavy with regret. The realization of the void he has created in his life sinks in, and the song fades into silence, leaving the listener with a lingering sense of melancholy.

I’m Gonna Miss Her is a masterfully crafted ballad that transcends the boundaries of country music, speaking to the universal themes of love, loss, and the choices we make in life. Paisley’s songwriting is both poignant and relatable, capturing the complexities of human emotions with honesty and grace. The song’s enduring popularity is a testament to its ability to connect with listeners on a deeply personal level, reminding us of the sacrifices we make for the things we love and the preciousness of time spent with those who matter most.



Well I love her
But I love to fish
I spend all day out on this lake
And hell is all I catch
Today she met me at the door
Said I would have to choose
If I hit that fishin’ hole today
She’d be packin’ all her things
And she’d be gone by noon

Well, I’m gonna miss her!
When I get home
But right now I’m on this lake shore
And I’m sittin’ in the sun
I’m sure it’ll hit me
When I walk through that door tonight
Yeah, I’m gonna miss her
Oh, lookie there, I’ve got a bite

Now there’s a chance that if I hurry
I could beg her to stay
But that water’s right
And the weather’s perfect
No tellin’ what I might catch today

So I’m gonna miss her
When I get home
But right now I’m on this lake shore
And I’m sittin’ in the sun
I’m sure it’ll hit me
When I walk through that door tonight
Yeah, I’m gonna miss her
Oh, lookie there, another bite

Yeah, I’m gonna miss her
Oh, lookie there, I’ve Got A Bite